RAD Ballet Grades Presentation
Miss Alice and I have decided it would be great for students to present their RAD Grade work to a live audience. (This presentation is optional for students, it is encouraged but not required).
**This presentation is open to ALL Grade students whether they are sitting an exam or not**
Grades 1 - 5 students will be taken through a class with Miss Alice.
Family will get to see what students have been learning and practicing for the last two terms.
Parents and family (up to 3 members) can be in the audience.
This is a ticketed event due to limited seating and space.
Tickets are $10 and cover venue and staff costs.
Tickets can be purchased here:
10am Grade 1 Ballet Presentation
11am Finish
11.15am Grade 2 Ballet Presentation
12.15pm Finish
12.30 Grade 3 Ballet Presentation
1.30pm Finish
1.45 Grade 5 Ballet Presentation
2.45pm Finish
Venue: NAISDA Dance College 31 The Avenue, Kariong NSW 2250
Students are required to be in their correct Grade colour leotard with ballet tights and canvas ballet flats. Hair needs to be in a straight back bun with bobby pins and net with no fly-away hair.
No jewellery, watches or other accessories are to be worn.
Students need to also bring their character shoes and skirt.